Assessing Tree Health

Trees truly infuse a landscape with natural splendor. Unfortunately, they can also end up being your yard’s greatest liability. Assessing your trees’ health is vitally important for the longevity of your trees and the safety of your property. At American Advanced Tree, we are led by an arborist, which is the tree version of a doctor. We are well-versed in tree healthcare and can spot tree risks easily as we are TRAQ (Tree Risk Assessment Qualification) certified. Our experts have compiled a risk checklist for homeowners, so you can be watching for the signs.

Signs of Tree Health Risks

  •  Are there large and/or dead branches in your yard? You can tell if a branch is alive or dead by how it responds when you try to bend it. Dead tree branches will snap easily while living branches will bend. Removing dead or broken branches through pruning is wise because then you will not risk the branch falling and causing damage.
  • Are your trees experiencing new growth? Check your tree trunk and branches for buds or twigs. If your tree is not growing anything new, it is likely having problems. Call our experts to see if we can help or if removal might be needed. We always try to resolve tree problems with removal as our last resort.
  •  Is your tree peeling or losing bark readily? A bare and exposed section of a tree will be a target for pest infestation.  
  • Does your tree have a year-round bald spot? This could be indicative of significant damage to that portion of the tree.
  • Is your tree hosting some fungi? Mushrooms or fungi on your tree’s exterior is a problem, so do not ignore it.
  •   Is your tree wilted? Wilting is usually a sign of stress. Similar to people, stress can cause significant health issues. The source of stress could be disease, lack of water, or too much sunlight. We can perform a checkup on your tree to determine the cause of stress, so it can be resolved before your tree suffers more.
  • Does your tree have the wrong color leaves? For most trees, red and yellow leaves are worn in the fall. If your tree is wearing yellow leaves during the summer, this is not a style issue but rather a health problem. Your tree is giving you a bold sign that it needs some help.
  •  Do you see evidence of pests? If you see actual insects or direct evidence of them on your tree, your tree could be losing its health already. If you see oozing sap, lack of fruit, or distorted leaves, those can be signs of pests as well.

The best way to keep your home safe and preserve your trees is through proactive care. Be on the lookout for signs of health problems. Also, pruning your trees appropriately will help prevent falling branches and promote health. We are standing by to assess your yard to help you achieve a safe and healthy yard. Call American Advance Tree today to schedule a visit from our tree doctor!

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